The buildings are generally analyzed and designed for completed stage that is when they are fully built and functional.
So, let’s say we have 10 story building to be designed, in most cases the engineer will analyze the analytical model for the entire 10 story.
[1] Though the above-mentioned approach would give us the critical forces in most of the situations, but there are cases where intermediate stages also give higher member & connection forces.
[2] Hence it becomes very important to identify construction stages which can yield to higher design forces than completed stage.
[4] One such example of a structure is when the load path for gravity forces is not purely vertical and lower story of the structure are being supported by above story. Hence the
[5] Structure in which the stability system of both the directions is interlinked, it becomes crucial to do construction stage analysis for the stage when it is not fully built.
[6] Hence it is important to identify crucial intermediary stages for a structure and do the analysis for these.
[5] Further the construction sequence should be worked out for all such locations in the structure, and it should be clearly stipulated on the relevant structural drawings.
This is a small post on construction stage analysis, any comments or suggestions are welcomed.

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