Design wind load on a structure usually depends on design wind speed, exposed area of the building and coefficient of wind pressure.
[1] Further design wind speed is dependent on location, terrain & topography of surrounding location, importance factor of the structure.
[2] The coefficient of wind pressure on each surface of the building depends on height of the structure, aspect ratio of the plan dimensions. The values of these coefficient are given in IS 875, part 3.
[3] For analysis purpose, the wind load in assumed to be acting from one direction at a time. All unique directions are considered depending upon the building’s structural configuration.
[4] When the structure is subjected to wind force in one direction the building faces in leeward & orthogonal directions also experience forces because of the suction in the building envelope.
[5] The forces in leeward and orthogonal direction can be skipped for simplified analysis given that analytical model is only used for stability checks and not for member and connection design.
This is a post on wind load calculation based on Indian code IS 875.
Any suggestions or comments are welcomed.

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